Legacy Media handles all media (Film, Photography & Graphics) content that is utilized during services & events.
We are also in charge of film production in all LIVE services and online services.
If you have a passion for Media, Photography or Film, and want to serve in theses areas, join today!

Visual Graphics & Social Media
We are the content creators for all online visual graphics, videos and social media posts for Legacy Church's Social Media Platforms (Website, IG, Facebook & Youtube).
If you have a knack for Content Creation; from graphics to videos, well this would be the place for you.

The Love Team (Greeters & Ushers) is a vital part of our ministry. We are the first contact to anyone who walks in through our church doors.
So, if you are a social butterfly, then this is the place for you! Come and be part of the Love team and let God use you to put a smile on someones face.

Venue Control is in charge of the Security for Legacy Church during services, events, practices and any outreach or outdoor event that the organization has.
To be part of this vital team, please click on "Join Now" and one of our leaders will get back to you with more information.

Venue Logistics handles an array of areas of Legacy Church's service operation. From set up & tear down, to bringing the pulpit out for the pastor to preach, if you like to multi-task, this is the area for you.

Legacy Worship - Every weekend, our church is led by anointed, talented and committed musicians who make up our worship team. This team serves the mission of our church by creating an atmosphere that helps people experience God’s presence. If you are a worshipper, have experience with sound (sound engineering) or just love to be around this environment, contact us to find out how you can serve.

LYC is the youth ministry of our church. If you want to be part of serving our community of youth, let us know and we'll get back to you with more details on being part of the team!

Legacy Kidz is the children's ministry of our church. If you want to be part of serving our community of children, let us know and we'll get back to you with more details on being part of the team!